The integration of land use planning with other spatially significant policy sectors has been a longstanding aspiration and subject of debate in the planning profession and academia. The strategic planning of the 1960s and 1970s, for example, frequently aimed to promote a more ‘spatialised’ [...]Abstract
There is an increasing concern about the growth of car dependence and its associated negative impacts on cities, including economic and environmental factors, urban form and lifestyle. City authorities worldwide now pay increasing attention to sustainable transport systems by enhancing [...]Abstract
Planning for future energy-efficient and energy-producing buildings requires specific knowledge during the design process. Many design decisions taken by urban planners –form, density, roof type and orientation – have a significant effect on the conditions of such buildings, although [...]Abstract
In the context of land use planning, Maryland has attracted significant attention at the national scale for innovative planning efforts. In 1997, Maryland passed a package of legislation collectively referred to as ‘smart growth’. Distinct from earlier regulatory state level attempts [...]Abstract
Increasingly significant freight transport had led to larger and more complex transport chains. More specifically, intermodal transport has arisen as a desirable alternative to long-haul road transport, as it creates opportunities for cost reduction and to decrease both polluting [...]Abstract
Weight reduction has always been a challenge for the automotive industry, mainly to reduce consumption but also improve handling. In electric vehicle design, the battery packs, their shape and positioning are critical aspects that determine the overall weight, weight distribution [...]Abstract
The pipes with diameter of 150mm, also called DN150, are often connected by grooved fit joints and employed as the stem pipelines, which are used to transport water vertically to different building stories and distribute it horizontally to different rooms. A large deformability is [...]