
Air emissions of shipping have decreased in SECA regions after 2015. Environmental impacts of regulation policies are identifiable and measurable, as a study from the port of Gothenburg recently exposed. In addition to emissions, it is important to understand how regulations and decisions, [...]


The work reported here is a result of the EPSRC Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research Hub research programme (Grant ref. EP/J016454/1). A core theme of the UK Government's new Industrial Strategy is exploiting opportunities for domestic supply chain development. This extends to a special [...]


Con la idea de que las prácticas cotidianas entre los inmigrantes mexicanos permiten construir y redefinir el espacio transnacional, como punto de partida, en este artículo se explorará la noción de la migración desde la perspectiva del transnacionalismo, en el marco de las tendencias [...]


Public transport transforms urban communities and the lives of citizens living in them by stimulating economic growth, promoting sustainable lifestyles and providing a greater quality of life. Globally, the healthiest cities have one thing in common, a public and active transport [...]


Social media require an efficient infrastructures of computer and communication systems to support a smart city. In a big city, there are several crucial dilemmas with a home and public space planning, a growing population, a global warming, carbon emissions, a lack of key resources [...]


The emergence of fully Automated Vehicles (AVs) is expected to occur in the next 10 to 30 years. The uncertainties related to AVs pose a series of questions about what the societal consequences of such technology are. Mainly, what are the consequences of AVs regarding accessibility? [...]


OpenStreetMap provides a valuable crowd-sourced database of raw geospatial data for constructing models of urban street networks for scientific analysis. This paper reports results from a research project that collected raw street network data from OpenStreetMap using the Python-based [...]


In this article, we propose to improve the efficiency of transport companies by managing information and advertising activities to promote material flow. In this research, within the framework of planning the supply of consumer goods in cities, we offer the following alternative supply [...]


Traffic congestion is one of the most vexing city problems and involves numerous factors which cannot be addressed without a holistic approach. Congestion cannot be narrowly tackled at the cost of a city&rsquo s quality of life. Focusing on transport and land use planning, this paper [...]


In Poland, similarly as in the entire Europe, the quality of air is shaped primarily by communal-living sources and road transport. Due to the steadily increasing share of city residents in the general population, the issue of providing clean air will become a more significant problem [...]