
We aim at defining a semi-explicit approach to estimate the error in quantities of interest associated with the Finite Element solution of a linear elasticity problem. The advocated procedure is split in two parts, an implicit error estimate for the adjoint problem and an explicit [...]


This work analyzes the influence of the discretization error associated with the finite element (FE) analyses of each design configuration proposed by the structural shape optimization [...]


We present an efficient and reliable approach for the numerical modelling of failure with nonlocal damage models. The two major numerical challenges – the strongly nonlinear, highly localized and parameter-dependent structural response of quasi-brittle materials, and the [...]


In this work we present a general error estimator for the finite element solution of solid mechanics problems based on the Variational Multiscale method. [...]


An a-posteriori error estimate with application to inviscid compressible flow problems is presented. The estimate is a surrogate measure of the discretization error, obtained from an approximation to the truncation terms of the governing equations. This approximation is calculated [...]


This paper presents a formulation for the obtainment of the sensitivity analysis of a point wise error estimator with respect to the nodal coordinates using the adjoint state [...]


Nonlocal damage models are typically used to model failure of quasi-brittle materials. Due to brittleness, the choice of a particular model or set [...]


An adaptive finite element strategy for nonlocal damage computations is presented. The proposed approach is based on the combination of a residual-type [...]


An adaptive strategy for nonlinear finite-element analysis, based on the combination of error estimation and h-remeshing, is presented. Its two main [...]