
Urban sprawl combined with low density development causes unsustainable development patterns including accessibility and mobility problems, especially for those who do not have the capacity to own a vehicle or access to quality public transport services. Sustainable transportation [...]


This chapter investigates the role of Environmental Citizenship within the twenty-first-century societal issues of human activities - urban development, transport systems, tourism, and cultural heritage. The first part of the chapter analyses the relationship between Environmental [...]


International audience; The resolution of Air Traffic Control (ATC) conflicts is a constrained optimization problem : the goal is to propose, for a certain number, n, of aircraft, which might be in conflict in a near future, trajectories that satisfy the separation constraints between [...]


This chapter presents an analysis of transport services in the context of regional transport planning. It proposes to use specially designed accessibility indicators, which allow to really apprehend the quality of the services supplied to different segments of the population and help [...]


Between 1900 and 2000, the length of paved roads in the United States increased from 240 km to 6,400,000 km (Peat 2002, BTS 2002) with virtually 100% of the U.S. population having almost immediate access to paved roadways. Similarly, in 1830 there were 37 km of railroad in the United [...]


This paper illustrates how the capabilities of GIS and satellite imagery can be harnessed to explore and better understand the urban form of several large African cities (Addis Ababa, Nairobi, Kigali, Dar es Salaam, and Dakar). To allow for comparability across very diverse cities, [...]


Population growth in the world had a constant value since the beginning of a new era to the 19th century when the population was 1 billion. The technological revolution is largely in? fluenced by that in this century, the population increase by 68 %. The population in the world increased [...]


The question to be addressed here is that of the agglomeration/dispersion forces that are likely to account for the location of people and jobs in rural areas and the way they explain spatial patterns in rural areas depending on urban influence. Economic geography models may provide [...]


As a part of a detailed study of synthetic travel demand modelling techniques that can be applied to small urban areas (population 50,000 to 250,000), this study concentrated solely on the traffic assignment phase of the modelling process. The study considered the effects of the following [...]


GEOCITY is a computer simulation model developed to study the economics of district heating using geothermal energy. GEOCITY calculates the cost of district heating based on climate, population, resource characteristics, and financing conditions. The principal input variables are [...]