This document provides the AEOLIX impact assessment of living labs at the operational level. It is based on three main impacts namely business, environment, and socio-economic impacts. The three impacts are sub-divided further into sub-categories. The report collects data from twelve living labs involved in with AEOLIX. One of the main goals of AEOLIX was to reduce the costs for various logistics activities as implemented in twelve living labs. The expected benefits in the business area are from reducing the consumption of different resources, reducing the time used for various activities, and from increasing the productivity in certain areas. The economic or business benefits came along two dimensions: (i) in terms of time and (ii) in terms of money. In terms of time, AEOLIX facilitated reducing the time spent on various activities at the companies. In terms of money, AEOLIX helped to save the costs of specific logistics activities within the living lab. For the environmental aspect an overall value of 20% was set as target value for reduction in CO2 emission using AEOLIX. Only one of all living labs reached this target value, but there was anyhow a reduction found in all living labs. AEOLIX and its functions have also helped in reducing noise pollution at some of the living labs. In some cases, there was quite a considerable reduction. For the socio-economic aspects the job creation, SME empowerment, and the improved quality of life are addressed. This study has explored the impact of AEOLIX on job creation in terms of drivers’ and operators’ jobs. Since the AEOLIX implementation is still in its initial phases, respondents were unable to estimate how many jobs (drivers and/or operators) were created in the long run. SME Empowerment was measured as the increase in SMEs’ market share and the increase in direct collaboration between SMEs and large organizations. The results were meager both with regard to the market share and the extent of collaboration. The improved quality of life is measured in the way AEOLIX puts more focus on work, the less stress at work and a positive attitude towards people using it. The results reflect that AEOLIX has greatly helped employees to put more focus on work and to reduce stress levels. Managers consider this as a positive side of the return on investment (ROI) as the business processes are improved. AEOLIX impact on various socio-economic aspects is in principle positive but as this process is very slow to emerge it takes time to observe any changes in social aspects. Acceptance and trust on AEOLIX can be captured as a majority of the evaluation managers of the living labs found the AEOLIX functions (dashboard, connectivity engine and toolkit) useful to a great extent. The willingness to continue using AEOLIX functions and their usefulness are directly related to each other. This means that the more useful a function is, the more users are willing to continue using it. The AEOLIX platform, through various services and functions, has a positive impact on society in general and on workers in particular. Although this impact cannot be evaluated financially for the first year of the AEOLIX implementation, numerous studies show that a more satisfying and less stressful job, together with a more welcoming and stimulating environment, have an important economic impact in the long-term period. Therefore, the fact that AEOLIX has a positive impact on society will also prove to be an economic benefit for the different companies.Abstract
This document provides the AEOLIX impact assessment of living labs at the operational level. It is based on three main impacts namely business, environment, and socio-economic impacts. The three impacts are sub-divided further into sub-categories. The report collects data from twelve [...]Abstract
Today humankind is facing numerous sustainability challenges that require us to question CO2 intensive practices like those present in the transport and energy sector. To meet those challenges, many countries have adopted ambitious climate targets. Achieving such targets requires an understanding of the wider socio-technical context of transitions. The aim of this licentiate thesis is therefore to analyse such socio-technical transitions towards low-emission futures enabled by the electrification of passenger cars and high voltage grid development. A combination of different transitions theories (for ex. Multi-level perspective and Technological innovation systems) and institutional theory has been used. To reach the aim paper I analyses the climate impacts of electric vehicles (EVs) and policy measures to achieve a breakthrough scenario for EVs. The results show that a mixture of short and long term policies are needed that take into account the technology development stage and behavioural aspects of EV adopters. Paper II addresses the need to include the high voltage transmission grid and its planning procedures as a central part of debates on transitions. Therefore the opportunities, challenges and reasons for conflict in the established regime are studied. The results show that in order to achieve a sustainable grid development regime, it is necessary to spend time on achieving legitimacy and social sustainability. The third paper uses semi-structured expert interviews and focuses on innovation dynamics for EV adoption. By focusing on dynamics instead of single policy measures, it is possible to grasp interactions within a niche, but also in between a niche, regime and landscape. The results show that strong initial technology legitimacy was needed to start substantial innovation dynamics. This could be further strengthened with a strong and broad coalition of actors. Both those factors led, if present, to an improved variety and match of policy instruments. As such this thesis has shown that transitions are not just about technology or policy instruments as such but about the dynamics and processes needed to enable them. This can be relevant in other transitions that otherwise may underestimate the importance of these components. "p"QC 20170512"/p" NorstrAbstract
Today humankind is facing numerous sustainability challenges that require us to question CO2 intensive practices like those present in the transport and energy sector. To meet those challenges, many countries have adopted ambitious climate targets. Achieving such targets requires [...]Abstract
Título: Colaboración empresarial público-privada en la transformación urbana: el distrito de Ciutat Vella en Barcelona (1986-2002)
Autor: Pablo Algarrada Vera (pablo.algarrada@ub.edu) [1]
Eje: Número 8. Infraestructuras y gestión sostenible del territorio (“Los procesos de urbanización”)
[1] Investigación en el marco de la realización de la tesis doctoral de Pablo Algarrada Vera en el programa de doctorado de Historia Económica de la Universidad de Barcelona, bajo la dirección de Paloma Fernández Pérez (ORCID 0000-0001-5295-9465; palomafernandez@ub.edu).
La década de los años setenta representó una profunda redefinición de las barreras delimitantes en las actuaciones del sector público y privado. El contexto económico internacional se vio marcado por las convulsiones del mercado energético, las fuertes restricciones presupuestarias y el incremento de la inflación y el desempleo, obligando una reformulación de la gestión estatal. El histórico modelo estatal burocrático-weberiano de provisión directa de bienes y servicios se hallaba inmerso en duras críticas por su ineficiencia, rigidez y sobredimensionamiento.
Las urbes industriales europeas se encontraban sumidas en una incesante espiral de degradación socioeconómica, surgiendo así la necesidad de una reestructuración que frenara la obsolescencia de sus áreas urbanas centrales. Las administraciones, motivadas a desarrollar una creatividad organizacional, adoptaron nuevos entornos institucionales favorables en la compleja coyuntura económica. La canalización de estas ideas se desarrolló mediante la cooperación estructurada entre actores públicos y privados, aplicándose en la construcción de infraestructuras, la gestión sanitaria o la provisión de suministros, entre otros.
Siguiendo una metodología cualitativa y adoptando marcos teóricos propios de la Historia Económica Empresarial, este artículo analiza, mediante el estudio de caso, la trayectoria de los acuerdos de colaboración mixta en el ámbito de la transformación urbana. El estudio de caso se centra en la sociedad mixta PROCIVESA (Promoció Ciutat Vella S.A), encargada de la revitalización del distrito de Ciutat Vella, centro histórico de Barcelona. PROCIVESA fue una compañía pionera en la revitalización urbanística, económica y social de áreas urbanas deterioradas.
La experiencia transformadora del distrito central se integra dentro del reconocido “modelo Barcelona”, que convirtió una ciudad industrial en crisis en una urbe de reconocido prestigio internacional. No obstante, los análisis centrados en el rol de los órganos gestores encargados de la transformación han sido poco explorados. Este estudio contribuye, desde un ámbito local, a los debates sobre la aplicación de figuras organizacionales creativas e innovadoras para la toma de decisiones en la gobernanza urbana.
Los ODS han reafirmado la necesidad de cooperación entre actores públicos y privados. El complejo contexto socioeconómico actual contiene elementos coincidentes con los años ochenta: restricciones presupuestarias, efectos adversos derivados de los conflictos internacionales, problemas de cohesión social en los territorios… Revisar el papel de la colaboración mixta se vislumbra esencial para complementar la transformación de las ciudades europeas y mantener su competitividad.
PROCIVESA se destaca como un ejemplo pionero de coparticipación entre la esfera pública y mercantil para el cumplimiento de objetivos propios de una agenda sociopolítica históricamente de exclusividad estatal. El diseño organizativo empleado en la constitución de la sociedad, el consenso entre los representantes políticos y empresariales, la transferencia de un “know-how” entre sus miembros o la capacidad de adaptación de PROCIVESA a un entorno social y económico cambiante, destacan como algunos de los mecanismos que definen el devenir de la compañía. Sin embargo, la trayectoria de PROCIVESA también pone de manifiesto las dificultades y retos propios de las sociedades mixtas, las necesidades de estrictos controles internos, y la aparición de conflictos al trabajar sobre un tejido urbano vivo.
Título: Colaboración empresarial público-privada en la transformación urbana: el distrito de Ciutat Vella en Barcelona (1986-2002)
Autor: Pablo Algarrada Vera (pablo.algarrada@ub.edu) [...]
Esse trabalho analisa a trajetória do Tramway da Cantareira em sua relação com o desenvolvimento das regiões atendidas por seus ramais, notadamente a zona norte do município de São Paulo e Guarulhos, tendo como recorte temporal os anos de 1893 a 1965, período de funcionamento dessa linha férrea. Para isso, além da bibliografia pertinente acerca do assunto, utiliza como fonte de pesquisa amplo conjunto documental de cunho arquivístico e, de forma complementar, periódicos que circulavam na época. Subdividida em quatro capítulos, esta tese analisa inicialmente a crise de gestão dos recursos hídricos na capital de São Paulo na segunda metade do século XIX com vistas a compreender as razões de o governo estadual ter iniciado a construção do Tramway da Cantareira. Em seguida, estuda os primeiros anos de funcionamento da ferrovia, momento no qual ela presta importante contribuição nas obras de infraestrutura da capital, com destaque para aquelas relacionadas ao abastecimento de água e saneamento básico. Uma vez analisada a história de seus anos iniciais, o trabalho busca compreender a percepção que a população, a imprensa e o governo tinham em relação aos seus serviços, examinando os projetos que previam desde o seu arrendamento à iniciativa privada até a sua extensão para além dos municípios de São Paulo e Guarulhos, em uma fase na qual o transporte de passageiros já se tornava a sua principal atividade. Por fim, examina o processo de anexação dessa linha férrea à Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana até o momento de sua desativação, em 1965. This study analyzes the trajectory of the Cantareira Tramway in its relation with the development of the regions served by its branches, notably the northern part of the municipality of São Paulo and Guarulhos, focusing in the years from 1893 to 1965, period of operation of the railroad. To this end, besides the pertinent bibliography on the subject, this study uses as a research source a large set of archival documents complemented by periodicals circulating at the time. Subdivided into four chapters, this thesis initially analyzes the crisis of water resources management in the capital of São Paulo in the second half of the 19th century, in order to understand the reasons why the state government started the construction of the Cantareira Tramway. Subsequently, it studies the first years of the railway operation, when it makes an important contribution to the infrastructure works of the capital, especially those related to water supply and basic sanitation. Once the history of its initial years is analyzed, this study tries to understand the perception that the population, the press and the government had concerning the Cantareira Tramway services, examining the projects it predicted from its lease to the private sector until its extension beyond the municipalities of São Paulo and Guarulhos, in a period where transportation of passengers was already its main activity. Finally, it examines the annexation process of this railway to the Sorocabana Railroad until it was decommissioned in 1965.Abstract
Esse trabalho analisa a trajetória do Tramway da Cantareira em sua relação com o desenvolvimento das regiões atendidas por seus ramais, notadamente a zona norte do município de São Paulo e Guarulhos, tendo como recorte temporal os anos de 1893 a 1965, período de funcionamento [...]