
How many of your friends, with whom you enjoy spending some time, live close by? How many people are at your reach, with whom you could have a nice conversation? We introduce a measure of enjoyability that may be the basis for a new class of location-based services aimed at maximizing [...]


This document accompanies deliverable D3.4, which contains the software modules implementing the methods that form the core of the Mobility Pattern Mining module within the PETRA architecture, as presented in D2.2, devoted to deal with GPS and mobile phone (GSM) individual data. [...]


This document presents a set of methods for exploiting individual patterns and measures developed within WP3, and described in D3.3, to produce collective indicators. Such indicators will be used for various applications purposes, some of which are described as representative examples. [...]


This document presents the tools and framework developed within the PETRA project for simulating the mobility behaviour of crowds. The tools are mainly based on the modeling of individual users - possibly derived from real data - and allow to realize various kinds of simulations, [...]


This document presents the algorithms developed within PETRA to monitor the performances of the main predictive models built in the project, in order to provide feedbacks and possibly trigger updates or re-computation of the models. The algorithms are based on the comparison of [...]


This document presents the key algorithms that form the core of the Mobility Pattern Mining module within the PETRA architecture, as presented in D2.2, devoted to deal with GPS and mobile phone (GSM) individual data. The algorithms learn to identify the role or purpose of each [...]