A road traffic accident was one of the severe problems which are affecting once’s a country and leading to death, injuries and property damage resulted in economic loss. The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of Human behaviors and Geometric factors in road traffic accidents along the road of Sululta-Fiche, which is located in the Northern Shewa of the Oromia region. Both probability sampling and non-probability sampling techniques were applied. The primary data were obtained from site observation of blackspot locations. While the secondary source of data was taken from records compiled by the North Shewa traffic office and Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne traffic Office. Descriptive and analytical design methods were used in this research, while the results were displayed by graphs, tables, and pie charts. From the study, the status of road traffic accidents showed that there were dramatically increase in accidents every year within the study period. A total of 830 crashes occurred in the past three years. From this, 237 accidents happened in 2012, 279 accidents in 2013, and 314 accidents in 2015. From the traffic police report analysis, there were 41 locations in Sululta Town, and 70 locations in Sululta Wereda, where those accidents happened. Based on the results of this research using the priority value approach, there were 12 selected locations in Sululta Town and 10 chosen locations in Sululta Wereda. Therefore, it is concluded that the significant factor in traffic accidents along Sululta –Fiche road was the driver errors such as over-speeding, night driving, and driving without attention, and it was followed by the geometric factors. These road deficiencies contributory to some errors of the drivers, which were inadequate road width, insufficient sight distance, and narrow bridge at sag curves, and improper intersection design. Based on the findings of the study, some of the countermeasures recommended reducing the road traffic accidents are the provision of speed limit signs to forewarn drivers, installation of speed barkers and rumble strips, widening the lane width of pavement, maintenance of the deteriorated road, repair of the road signs and provision of adequate sight visibility for drivers.
A road traffic accident was one of the severe problems which are affecting once’s a country and leading to death, injuries and property damage resulted in economic loss. The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of Human behaviors and Geometric factors [...]