At the present level of development of long, branched gas transmission networks (GTN), solving the problems of improving safety, efficiency and environmental soundness of operation of industrial pipeline systems calls for the application of methods of numerical simulation. The development [...]Abstract
This project studies the aggravating problem of road traffic and congestion, and some of its solutions: autonomous cars and traffic simulation software. Unreal Engine is presented as a new option for simulating a traffic environment. An application is programmed that allows the user [...]Abstract
The main objective of this project is to design an automation control system for a new arrival procedure at Palma de Mallorca airport, which is the Point Merge System (PMS). This new system, suggested by Cercle d’Economia de Mallorca, allows performing Continuous Descent Approach [...]Abstract
English: road safety has become a main issue for governments and car manufacturers in the last twenty years. Thus, the concept of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) appeared. This concept is used when talking about communication technologies between vehicles and infrastructure [...]Abstract
We present an approach for validation of advanced driver assistance systems, based on randomized algorithms. The new method consists of an iterative randomized simulation using adaptive importance sampling. The randomized algorithm is more efficient than conventional simulation techniques. [...]Abstract
the level of traffic congestion rises and the complexity of traffic networks increases, the development of effective transportation strategies becomes the most challenging task for every transport authority. Meanwhile, advancements in computer technology and especially the technique [...]Abstract
present, gas pipeline networks in Europe are routinely monitored by vehicle and air patrols to protect them against damage by soil movement and third part interference. Because of the expenses, pipeline operators are investigating the possibilities to replace these traditional monitoring [...]Abstract
The number of private vehicles increased dramatically during the last two decades in the island of Cyprus. This phenomenon had a negative effect on the bus transport mode which over the years its use has been considerably reduced. As traffic congestion increased considerably during [...]Abstract
Heterogeneous multicore systems have gained momentum, specially for embedded applications, thanks to the performance and energy consumption trade-offs provided by inorder and out-of-order cores. Micro-architectural simulation models the behavior of pipeline structures and caches with [...]