
This chapter explores some hypothetical computer vision pipeline designs to understand HW/SW design alternatives and optimizations. Instead of looking at isolated computer vision algorithms, this chapter ties together many concepts into complete vision pipelines. Vision pipelines [...]


Studies have estimated that irregular operations (flights affected by a disruption) can cost between 2% and 3% of the airline annual revenue and that a better recovery process could result in cost reductions of at least 20%. Even for small airlines this can represent millions of Euros. [...]


It is well known that airport surface traffic congestion at major airports is responsible for increased taxi-out times, fuel burn and excess emissions and there is potential to mitigate these negative consequences through optimizing airport surface traffic operations. Due to a highly [...]


Traffic congestion is increasing in almost all large cities, leading to a number of negative effects such as pollution and delays. However, building new roads is not a feasible solution. Instead, the use of the existing road network has to be optimized, together with a shift towards [...]


air traffic is forecasted to increase, air traffic control software subsequently needs to be more sophisticated. To efficiently push development forward, testing is important in order to determine usability. The tests need to be adapted to fit a particular purpose and carried out [...]


There are many map providers on the market today. Anyone who wishes to use a licensed map-service in an application has to pay a license fee. This fee can become a big expense and affect the price that the end costumer has to pay.This thesis has investigated in how to set up and improve [...]


Using multiple datacenters allows for higher availability, load balancing and reduced latency to customers of cloud services. To distribute multiple copies of data, cloud providers depend on inter-datacenter WANs that ought to be used efficiently considering their limited capacity [...]