
In the recent years, more and more modern cars have been equipped with perception capabilities. One of the key applications of such perception systems is the estimation of a risk of collision. This is necessary for both Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Navigation. [...]


Processor simulators are important parts of processor design toolsets in which they are used to verify and evaluate the properties of the designed processors. While simulating architectures with independent function unit pipelines using simulation techniques that avoid the overhead [...]


Because of the key characteristics of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), removal of pilot, UAVs will be highly suited for repetitive, dirty, and dangerous operations. A wide range of civil and military applications are being explored in the community (Clapper et al., 2007). As a result, [...]


Civil aviation air traffic undergoes many random disturbances. Air traffic controllers watch the real traffic and ensure that it is free from collision hazards in the whole airspace — the ATC sector — under their control. The ATFM service takes care that the flow capacity in each [...]


International audience; This chapter describes the emerging robotics application field of intelligent vehicles – motor vehicles that have autonomous functions and capabilities. The chapter is organized as follows:- Section 62.1 provides a motivation for why the development of intelligent [...]


Despite being a basic tool for decision-making about the implementation and operation of enterprises with potential negative impacts on the environment, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) still facechallenges to its consolidation as an effective tool for achieving sustainable [...]


Aircraft collision avoidance maneuvers are important and complex applications. Curved flight exhibits nontrivial continuous behavior. In combination with the control choices during air traffic maneuvers, this yields hybrid systems with challenging interactions of discrete and continuous [...]