
Part 10: Collaboration Platforms; International audience; The development of the Single Window concept (unique access/contact point for composite services) for the multimodal door-to-door freight transport management is a complex endeavour that is being addressed by the European MIELE [...]


Part 10: Collaboration Platforms; International audience; The development of the Single Window concept (unique access/contact point for composite services) for the multimodal door-to-door freight transport management is a complex endeavour that is being addressed by the European MIELE [...]


Intelligent Mobility (IM) is a growing development area challenging an integrated management and operations of"br" diversity (heterogeneous) of both cyber-physical and informatics (systems) infrastructures. The approach that has"br" been taken by A-to-Be, powered by Brisa in the SCOOP@F [...]


This paper focuses on the concept of the seamless mobility (provided by vertical handover mechanisms) in heterogeneous Future Internet Networks in the context of the HURRICANE project. We discuss future open collaborative network architectures and propose a set of entities that [...]