
Traffic jams are a fact of life for many car drivers. Every morning millions of drivers around the world sit motionless in their vehicles for long periods of time as they try to get to work, and then repeat the experience on their journeys home in the evening. The same thing often [...]


One of the prominent science goal of the ELTs will be to study the physics and mass assembly of galaxies at very high redshifts. Here, we present the galaxy evolution science case for EAGLE, which is a NIR multi-integral field spectrograph for the E-ELT currently under phase A study. [...]


an entry for the 1999 Gordon Bell price/performance prize, we report an astrophysical N-body simulation performed with a treecode on GRAPE-5 (Gravity Pipe 5) system, a special-purpose computer for astrophysical N-body simulations. The GRAPE-5 system has 32 pipeline processors specialized [...]


We report on resent N-body simulations of galaxy formation performed on the GRAPE-4 (GRAvity PipE) system, a special-purpose computer for astrophysical N-body simulations. We review the astrophysical motivation, the algorithm, the actual performance, and the price per performance. [...]


Reinforcement learning (RL)-based traffic signal control has been proven to have great potential in alleviating traffic congestion. The state definition, which is a key element in RL-based traffic signal control, plays a vital role. However, the data used for state definition in the [...]


In the paper, we address Bayesian sensitivity issues when integrating experts’ judgments with available historical data in a case study about strategies for the preventive maintenance of low-pressure cast iron pipelines in an urban gas distribution network. We are interested in [...]


International audience; Air traffic management (ATM) aims at providing companies with a safe and ideally optimal aircraft trajectory planning. Air traffic controllers act on flight paths in such a way that no pair of aircraft come closer than the regulatory separation norms. With [...]