
The World Bank financed the Gujarat State Highway Project (GSHP) during 2001-07. The project development objective was to enhance the capacity of the Government of Gujarat (GOG) for effective and efficient planning and management of road infrastructure, while concurrently maximizing [...]


During the transition from central planning to market economies now under way in Eastern Europe, output levels first collapsed by 40 to 50 percent in most countries, then staged a modest recovery in the last two years. Longer-term revival of growth requires a resumption of investment [...]


Infrastructure plays a key role in promoting economic growth and opportunities.In particular, the efficient provision of basic infrastructure services, like water and sanitation, is a key ingredient in fostering a country's social and economic development. Previous studies have found [...]


This paper includes three parts: external economic environment, part one includes: global environment, regional environment, and risks. Vietnam's recent economic development, part two includes: a relatively stable macroeconomic situation, growth at record low, booming exports despite [...]


This policy paper is motivated by the Government’s “Pakistan: Framework for Economic Growth (FEG) 2011” which places weak corporate governance at the top of the “software” constraints to growth. The efforts to reform the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) have stalled in Pakistan [...]


ffordable housing will be instrumental to helping Vietnam achieve its goals for increasing productivity and inclusive urban growth. Since Doi Moi, the country has experienced impressive economic growth, averaged at 7.4 percent per annum [...]


Despite the recent slowdown, the underlying growth of the global economy remains solid. After a 4 percent growth in 2010, Russia's real output is expected to grow 4.4 percent in 2011, increasingly driven by domestic demand. Russia's [...]


Pipelines account for the lion's share of the lifetime costs of any typical urban wastewater collection. While the deterioration of pipeline is the obvious "frontline‟ reason to adopt Asset Management practices, a more overarching driver is the need to gravitate towards sustainable [...]


The city of Oslo is evaluating strategies for the selection of appropriate materials for the pipelines and manholes of its wastewater network. The overarching motive is to minimise construction-related failures over the system lifetime and also ensure that it is able to avert flooding [...]


This paper presents and discusses the recent developments related to seismic performance and assessment of buried pipelines. The experience from the performance of pipelines during last earthquakes provided invaluable information and lead to new developments in the analysis and technologies. [...]