
Preserving information integrity represent an urgent need for safety critical systems, where depending on incorrect or inconsistent information may leads to disasters. Typically, information integrity is a problem handled at technical level (e.g., checksumming). However, information [...]


We present two heuristics based on constraint technology that solve the problem of generating air traffic management contingency plans, which are used in the case of a catastrophic infrastructure failure within EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation. [...]


Safety assessment of new air traffic management systems is a main issue for civil aviation authorities. Standard techniques such as testing and simulation have serious limitations in new systems that are significantly more autonomous than the older ones. In this paper, we present [...]


The measurement of the mental workload during real tasks by means of neurophysiological signals is still challenging. The employment of Machine Learning techniques has allowed a step forward in this direction, however, most of the work has dealt with binary classification. This study [...]


For astronauts and travelers in aircraft, space weather can quickly increase dose rates resulting from naturally occurring ionizing radiation by more than a 1000-fold. Historically, monitoring of these events has been done primarily by a combination of ground-based and satellite instrumentation. [...]


Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are set to become part of everyday air traffic operations perhaps within the next few years; however there are significant challenges that need to be addressed in order to seamlessly introduce UAS into non segregated airspace. This chapter discusses some [...]


Because of the key characteristics of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), removal of pilot, UAVs will be highly suited for repetitive, dirty, and dangerous operations. A wide range of civil and military applications are being explored in the community (Clapper et al., 2007). As a result, [...]


International audience To sustain the rapidly increasing air traffic demand, the future air traffic management system will rely on a concept, called Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO), that will require aircraft to follow an assigned 4D trajectory (time-constrained trajectory) with [...]


We introduce a fixedpoint algorithm for verifying safety properties of hybrid systems with differential equations whose right-hand sides are polynomials in the state variables. In order to verify nontrivial systems without solving their differential equations and without numerical [...]


Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) embodies a new philosophy for managing air traffic. The initial implementation of CDM in the US has been aimed at Ground Delay Program Enhancements (GDP-E). However, the underlying concepts of CDM have the potential for much broader applicability. [...]