
Residual stresses and distortions are two technical obstacles for popularizing the additive manufacturing (AM) technology. The evolution of the stresses in AM components during the thermal [...]


Recent advances in developing new concepts for railway structures demand new lightweight structure concepts not only to reduce their energy consumption but also to reduce the load [...]


Powder bed additive manufacturing (AM) is comprised of two repetitive steps: spreading of powder and selective fusing or binding the spread layer. Powder-bed AM can be sub-categorized as fusion-based where electron beams or laser beams are used to fuse the spread powder layer and [...]


Additive manufacturing (AM) for large volume parts is a rising technology with the potential to reduce the fabrication costs and lead times for components. It has practical applications in multiple industrial fields. AM technology can be instrumental in producing large pieces with [...]


Compared to conventional intuition-based design, topology optimization (TO) provides considerable mass savings by clearing excess material from lightly loaded regions of a structural part. The remaining material may be distributed in a purely truss-like fashion, or in the form of [...]