Through application of modern technology, aviation systems are becoming more automated and are relying less on antiquated air traffic control (ATC) voice systems. Aircraft are now able to wirelessly broadcast and receive identity and location information using transponder technology. [...]Abstract
large number of stakeholders exist in the modern air traffic management ecosystem. Air transportation studies benefit from collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and findings between these different players. However, not all parties have equal access to information. Due to the [...]Abstract
The ability to meet a controlled time of arrival during a continuous descent operation will enable environmentally friendly and fuel efficient descent operations while simultane- ously maintaining airport throughput. However, if the wind fore- cast used to compute the initial trajectory [...]Abstract
The U.S. Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) is designed to increase the capacity, safety and efficiency of the air traffic control via the integration of past experiences and advances in technology. However, the system is expected to greatly increase the amount and [...]Abstract
In Air Traffic Control, ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast) systems provide surveillance information as obtained by the cooperating airplanes. This usage of air-derived data and of a common link opens various issues: performance in dense traffic area, signals validation [...]Abstract
ft need to be separated from other aircraft by either a minimum vertical distance of 1000ft or by a minimum horizontal distance of 5NM to avoid mid-air collisions. Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) work well as a tactical safety backups to avoid collision, but cannot [...]Abstract
To reduce emissions of air traffic, future aircraft will install hybrid-electric propulsion systems. We require the load conditions over the time in service, to design these aircraft. In this paper, we propose a mission profile for a regional aircraft with a hybrid-electric propulsion [...]