About me

I'm currently managing Tecnoambiente's Sustainability, Climate Change and Sustainable Finance department with a great team of consultants. I lead the development of consulting assignments related to sustainable and climate finance such as ESG risk advisory for impact funds,EU Taxonomy reporting, sustainable financing assessments, and portfolio environmental performance analysis. On the other side, I coordinate the delivery of corporate sustainability and climate change projects for large listed companies, start-ups and NGOs. Most of our work is related with corporate sustainability strategies, GHG inventory reports, Net Zero commitments, corporate reporting and natural capital.

Relevant assignments conducted in the last years include; Advising IBEX-35 companies on their EU Taxonomy disclosure, Developing the ESG Risk Management Framework of the Landscape Resilience Fund, Supporting early-stage set up of Nature 4 Climate Fund, Developing the Green Strategy of the 4th largest port in Europe (Algeciras) and many more.

My academic background is in the environmental economics field, with a profile focused on the link between economics, finance and biodiversity conservation. Among others, I have conducted research in the Input-Output framework at the Spanish national level and its environmental implications (emissions and energy consumption patterns).

I have also been part of the sustainable finance ecosystem, working to accelerate sustainable finance engagement of the public and the private sectors in Spain for the past years.


Published documents
Documents under review
External documents