
Managing water, especially in the context of developing world, is and has never been easy. Unfortunately, the literature in this field remain limited. To fill this gap, the paper inquiries into the study of the literture in the field of water resource management, particularly in [...]


xtabstractWhen we look at the world around us, we see the physical world and we interpret this physical world. We can view the features of this physical world in several ways. What we can also do, which among other things, distinguishes us from animals, is pretend. Pretend this world [...]


European National Road Authorities (NRAs) have recognized for a long time that climate change will have a significant effect on their assets and operations. Especially, water management assets will be affected. The damage caused by floods and rain to infrastructure assets amounts [...]


International audience; The T-Ten European program aims at optimizing the transport logistics in Europe by promoting alternative transport modes. Navigation transport offers a competitive and environmentally friendly alternative. Hence, it is foresaw an increase of the navigation [...]


La sequera acusada que viu Catalunya des de fa més de 3 anys ha implicat importants reptes competitius per a molts sectors, amb especial èmfasis amb aquells amb un consum més preponderant d’aigua en conques internes, com és el sector turístic. [...]