
The aim of this study was to determine if processing speed, measured as visual reaction time (RT), of 10 month-olds obtained through an IPLP (Intermodal Preferential Looking Paradigm) in a word learning task, can be an indicator of communicative abilities such as productive vocabulary, [...]


In this paper I will study the presence and use of the words do, vide y vido in Lope de Vega’s works, by analyzing twenty seven critical editions based on Lopean holographs. The restricted and particular way in which Lope used these terms will allow me to identify passages from [...]


This paper analyses the vocabulary of body parts in Cha’palaachi, an Amerindian language of the Republic of Ecuador. A number of basic roots refers to (a) forms or (b) parts of the body, although in some cases reference is made to general areas more than to specific parts. These [...]


In this study we analyze the English translations of Ausiàs March already carried out (Terry, Conejero-Ribes-Keown, Wittlin and Archer), and we pay attention to the criteria and the solutions used. Here the emphasis is on those questions related to the lexicosemantic choice that [...]


Mobile technologies are increasingly finding their way into classroom practice. While these technologies can create opportunities that may facilitate learning, including the learning of a second or foreign language (L2), the full potential of these new media often remains underexploited. [...]


In the discourse of fashion the presentation and the evaluation of acts and objets are often mixed. Depaning from this assumption the present work investigates the lexical and pragmatical reasons that intensify the moral connotation of expressions about fashion and allow their use [...]