
Aspects of a draft version of the Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) under development by ISO-compliant committees of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) have been mathematically modelled using a formal description [...]


Since its inception, a main objective of the Ada language has been to assist in the development of large and robust applications. In addition to that, the language also provides support for building safety-critical applications, e.g. by facilitating validation and verification of [...]


The purpose of this Specific Test and Evaluation Plan (STEP) is to provide a detailed written plan for the systematic testing of modifications made by the addition of the SN-631 transfer line from the AZ-O1A pit to the AZ-02A pit by the W-314 Project. The STEP develops the outline [...]


Nowadays, the finite element analyses provide beneficial support in many fields of engineering by means of their cost, time and capacity saving characteristics. During the analyses, the one of the key elements is the correctly defined material properties. This is especially true for [...]