Being capable of predicting seakeeping capabilities in the time domain is of great interest for the marine and offshore industry. However, most computer programs used in the industry work in the frequency domain, with the subsequent limitation in the accuracy of their model predictions. [...]
In this work a finite element method (FEM) is proposed to solve the problem of estimating the added resistance of a ship in waves in the time domain and using unstructured meshes. Two different schemes are used to integrate the corresponding free surface kinematic and dynamic boundary [...]
Within this paper we discuss a numerical strategy to solve the elasticity problem upon unstructured and non conforming meshes, allowing all kinds of flat-faced elements (polygons in 2D and polyhedra in 3D). The core of the formulation relies on two numerical procedures 1) the Control [...]
This work is devoted to acceleration and upgrade of the CFD code NOISEtte for scale-resolving simulations of compressible turbulent flows using edge-based high-accuracy methods on unstructured hybrid meshes. Attempts to extend the baseline multilevel MPI+OpenMP parallelization towards [...]Abstract
The Characteristic-Based Volume Penalization (CBVP) method for numerical simulations of compressible flow over solid obstacles on unstructured meshes is presented. The approach belongs to the class of immersed boundary methods and is not relying on body-fitted meshes. Characteristic [...]Abstract
The paper presents a method for simulating the flow of a viscous compressible gas around a moving obstacle, specified by the immersed boundary method on a simply connected unstructured mesh, and the features of its application for bodies of different configuration. An advantage [...]