
This work proposes the use of the MSAA stochastic optimization technique to replace the optimality criterion used in the topology optimization method proposed [...]


O Modelo de Bielas e Tirantes pode ser uma excelente alternativa para o dimensionamento de elementos estruturais em concreto armado submetidos a estado plano de tensão e para regiões que apresentem descontinuidade de ordem geométrica ou estática, substituindo [...]


Is presented hereby the creation of an optimization software for the design of reinforcing steel [...]				


Is presented hereby the creation of an optimization software for the design of reinforcing steel for any type of structural elements which may be considered as columns, pillars, pilots or foundation dies, subjected [...]				


This paper approaches the topology optimization problems in plane linear elasticity considering the minimization of the volume with restriction of the stress employing an index of performance for monitoring the meeting of the optimum region. It is used for this purpose the classical [...]