
Este artículo examina la relación entre la lectura crítica y el objeto crítico en la obra de la poeta y ensayista canadiense Anne Carson, principalmente los textos que surgen de su largo acercamiento a los escritos de la filósofa y mística cristiana Simone Weil. Mi lectura de [...]


Without evaluating the extraordinary and consistent impression that Nicholas of Cusa exerted on the works by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, it would be hardly possible to achieve a profound comprehension of one of the most prominent women writers of the Latin American Baroque period. [...]


The «Llibre de meravelles» is one of the best known works by Ramon Llull because of its literary dimension. Both this and the structure of the text correlate with contemporary texts of encyclopaedic character. However, a contextualization of the book within Llull’s production, [...]