
Traditional smeared orthotropic models display an unacceptable dependence of the solution on the alignment of the mesh, which usually manifests as stress locking. A solution for this drawback [...]


The paper addresses the problem of tensile and mixed‐mode cracking within the so‐called smeared crack approach. Because lack of point‐wise convergence on stresses is deemed as the [...]


This paper briefly reviews the formulations used over the last 40 years for the solution of problems involving tensile cracking, with both the discrete and the smeared crack approaches. [...]


This paper describes a procedure for the solution of problems involving tensile [...]


This paper recovers the original spirit of the continuous crack approaches, where displacements jumps across the crack are smeared over the affected elements and the behaviour is established [...]


This paper describes a procedure for the solution of problems involving tensile cracking [...]


This paper recovers the original spirit of the continuous crack approaches, where displacements jumps across the crack are smeared over the affected elements and the behaviour is established [...]


This work presents a procedure to simulate the growth and propagation of localized tensile cracks on quasi-brittle materials. The so-called smeared damage approach, which consists in standard [...]


This paper presents a numerical model for nonlinear analysis of masonry structural elements based on Continuum Damage Mechanics. The material is described at the macro-level, i.e. it is [...]