The quality of the French language in Quebec is a very sensitive topic that is always of interest because of the sociolinguistic situation of French in North America. This paper focuses on the implementation of a new grammar in Quebec’s schools, a French-speaking province of Canada, [...]Abstract
Although evidence has shown that psychosocial factors have a decisive influence in second language learning, it has not been highlighted the importance they have regarding educational practice, the design of learning programs or teacher training. The model known as Willingness to [...]Abstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze the perception of students, graduates, and lecturers in relation to systems of formative and shared assessment and to the acquisition of teaching competences regarding communication and the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) [...]Abstract
Disabilities concerning mass communications media is an important subject of enquiry for several reasons: because of the influencing role the mass media play in shaping social images; because it raises the awareness of the people to the problems of disadvAbstract
In the XXIst century society, technological media have invaded all the environments of the people. New concepts, ideas and terms appear, and together with innovative processes of access to information and to development of work. This paper reflects upon tAbstract
In the Iberoamerican context the need for the mass media integration in formal education and teacher training is increasing. This paper presents and analyzes the main results of the diagnosis stage of the research «Towards an iberoamerican curriculum of media education». The research [...]Abstract
Nowadays, teachers often face apathethic and demotivated pupils. Nevertheless, these students do not show either apathy or demotivation when they stop being students and become spectators: of television, of cinema, of new technologies, of PC displays. If in the 19th century we had [...]Abstract
This project presents some ideas about the way the author perceives the television we have in Spain nowadays. During the presentation, it develops some audiovisual and academic activities that teachers could do with students in order to improve their abilities to watch television [...]Abstract
TV stands at a predominant place is the audiovisual world. At present we share our lives and homes with this media. We use it and try to take advantages from it. TV is a powerful mean to transmit cultural values and patterns. It appeals children intensively who accept it in a passive [...]