
This paper presents the application of stabilized mixed explicit strain/displacement formulation (MEX-FEM) [23, 24] for solving non-linear plasticity problems in solid mechanics with strain localization. In order to use the same linear interpolation order for displacements and [...]


Estudam-se os aspectos referentes à qualidade e objetividade das respostas obtidas com as diferentes formulações (simétrica e não-simétrica) de elementos incorporados com descontinuidade forte regularizada, assim como com a abordagem contínua (distribuída), combinando-se a [...]


This work investigates systematically strain localization and failure mechanics for elastoplastic damage solids. Two complementary methodologies, i.e., traction-based discontinuities localized in an elastic solid and strain localization of a stress-based inelastic softening solid, [...]


En el penúltim paràgraf (p. 566) de l’Informe del BIRF de 1962 sobre l’economia espanyola es pot llegir que *las corporaciones locales deberían ser también estimuladas a mancomunarse......con fines de planificación y establecimiento [...]


The expression ‘finite calculus’ refers to the derivation of the governing differential equations in mechanics by invoking balance of fluxes, forces, etc. in a space–time [...]


This paper describes a procedure for the solution of problems involving tensile cracking [...]


This paper deals with the question of strain localization associated with materials which exhibit softening due to tensile straining. A standard local isotropic Rankine damage model with [...]


This paper studies the phenomenon of strain bifurcation and localization in J2[...]


This paper presents the application of a stabilized mixed strain/displacement finite element formulation for the solution of nonlinear solid mechanics problems involving compressible and [...]


This paper studies the phenomenon of structural size effect and strain localization in J2 plasticity. Size effect is here understood as the change in the response of a given structure when [...]