
In this work I develop numerical algorithms that can be applied directly to differential equations of the general form f (t, x, x') = 0, without the need to cleared x'. My methods are hybrid algorithms between standard methods of solving differential equations and methods [...]


We study three “incompressibility flavors” of linearly-elastic anisotropic solids that exhibit volumetric constraints: isochoric, hydroisochoric and rigidtropic. An isochoric material deforms without volume change under any stress system. An hydroisochoric material [...]


We study three “incompressibility flavors” of linearly-elastic anisotropic solids that exhibit volumetric constraints: isochoric, hydroisochoric and rigidtropic. An isochoric material deforms without [...]


In this work we explore a velocity correction method that introduces the splitting at the discrete level. In order to do so, the algebraic continuity equation is transformed into a discrete [...]


In this paper, we apply the variational multiscale method with subgrid scales on the element boundaries to the problem of solving the Helmholtz equation with low‐order finite elements. [...]


Durante la época de lluvias se presentan en el estado de Tabasco (México)
deslizamientos en los bordos de los ríos que atraviesan la entidad, siendo
los de la zona conocida como La Manga de los más afectados. Este artículo
presenta [...]


Simulations have considerable potential for the analysis of the evolution of economics systems, a subject often neglected by mainstream economics where the focus is on static equilibria. This thesis investigates the potential of this approach in urban economics. The purpose is to [...]


Modern public transport systems are increasingly seen as an important means of promoting the safe mobility of the population, especially in urban areas suffering from growing traffic jams. The Transitway or the new bus system “Bus Rapid Transport” (BRT) is the result of the development [...]


In this work a direct method to measure the stability of metro system lines with respect to a previously constructed time schedule is presented. For this purpose we first model saturation effects using a real time discrete space state representation and then apply a Lyapunov-based [...]


In recent years there has been increased interest in developing a safer and more efficient railway system, as the railway has demonstrated the potential to become the most sustainable mode of transport. In Europe, significant investments have been made in order to increase the speed [...]