
In this article, which first appeared in 1983, some thoughts are given to the status of Catalan since the Spanish political transition into democracy. The purpose is to show how present «important» opinionmakers base themselves on an escapist fantasy which replaces real history, [...]


This is is a paper about the history of Catalan proverbs borrowed by Spanish tradition and lost in modern Catalan. The authors give the real origin of such proverbs and stress the sociolinguistic relevance of this «oblivion», as a kind of inferiority complex, to the present-day [...]


In several of Salvador's writings –Qüestions de llenguatge (1936), El valencia a les escoles (1935) and reviews of various texts by Delfí Dalmau (1936)– Solé recovers ideas and concepts taken up in current sociolinguistic discourse, for example, linguistic substitution, monolingualism [...]


Carles Salvador described himself as «a politician of language». Already at an early age, he staunchly defended the right to speak Catalan in the Valencian Country at every level, beginning in primary school. Pérez i Moragón situates this posture within the Valencian linguistic [...]


Abstract: The author analyses the problems of standardizing and normalizing the use of Galcian and compares Galicia's situation with that of País Valencià.


This article reviews the contribution of the different Catalan social sciences —excepting laws and political science— to the creation of sociolinguistics as a research field. In the conclusions it is mentioned that, in spite of the fact that research on language and society has [...]


This text constitutes a study and critical edition of a Valencian prescription manuscript, from the beginning of the XIX century, which has remained practically unknown up to the present day. It juxtaposes early instances of the language in this genre with the presence of the traditional [...]


Abstract: The Tortosa diocese spans a geographical area where the autoctonous dialectal variety — called tortosí — is subject to pressures from different linguistic models.The aim of this article is to shed light on the historical processes of socio-political dynamics that have [...]


Abstract: A critical study on the use of Catalan at the University of Palma and on the results of a social-linguistic survey in Mallorca, which shows the compatibility of the spanishisation process an increasing prestige of Catalan.


Abstract: Philological argumentations only do not make evident the unity of a language.