Our world is full of new and attractive images, therefore it could be daring to defend the advantages of sounds in education and socialization of children and teenagers. The author tries to recover the importance of sounds, of the radio, in the educationAbstract
Besides familiar and academic socialization, the autor of this paper defends the real existence of an influencing and newcoming mediatic socialization. This happens mainly because media have a big influence on audience. Media are, without any doubt, the mAbstract
The author considers all the media we work with at school are very stimulating for children. She thinks radio can be the best choice among them due to its interactivity which stimulates children to participate avoiding their pasivity. Also, this paper putAbstract
How can nos-conscious individual characteristics explain/conditionate the way in which children wath television? Through this, different ways of relationships with television are explored. This study aims to explore how children incorporate a vision of thAbstract
The progress of Humanity shows an increase in the communication capacities of the human being. This situation is bound to the great advance that the new media, such as Internet, are experiencing and it claims for a new understanding between the family andAbstract
Parents usually think they and their children are victims of TV. This thought usually involves that they think they can not be guilty. Parents are responsible for the quality of TV programmes that their children see as viewers. TV can not be understood without understanding the emotion [...]Abstract
This paper analyses the results of a poll about the student's TV habits in the first cycle of CSE (Compulsory Secondary Education) of the IES Averroes in Córdoba. The relation that these habits have to the academic results is stated here, both in a positive sense and in a negative [...]Abstract
The television's power to socializate teenagers is always reason for worry among educators and social scientists. Soap Opera is one of the highest exponents as transmitter of values, rules, attitudes and opinions. This article presents an empirical study about the spanish teen soap [...]Abstract
The telepsychodrama is a new cultural product. It comes from research that links Moreno´s ideas to the current TV and VCR technological resources. The paper results from this research. It investigates pedagogic properties of telepsychodrama in school teaching situations. This teaching [...]