
By "inflection" we usually understand morphological paradigms that constitue verbal casuistic. Syntax, as is normally understood, seems far from that. Instead of investigating the differences, I should concentrate on similarities. Perhaps "the sequence of tense" or the "consecutio [...]


In this paper a new analysis of some free relative sentences as selected CPs is proposed. These CPs have a [+WH] phrase in [SPEC, C’] which heads an A’ chain. This A’ chain is responsible of the NONSPECIFIC ARGUMENT interpretation of the sentence. I argue that this analysis [...]


Aquest article estudia les oracions de relatiu que duen una represa pronominal amb el pronom "en". Concretament, s’ocupa de les oracions de relatiu amb antecedent implícit de caràcter partitiu; és a dir, d’aquell tipus de construccions en què l’antecedent apareix sense [...]