
La robótica, la automatización y la inteligencia artificial (RAIA) están cambiando la forma en que se realiza el trabajo, pero hay una escasez de investigación sobre su impacto desde la perspectiva del empleado.Por lo tanto, realizamos una revisión [...]


Um dos conceitos introdutórios do microprocessador é a lógica da programação, que aborda as questões de distância, velocidade, tempo e aceleração. [...]


International audience; This paper presents our approach integrating a high level of intelligence within telecommunication networks. Artificial intelligence has proved its efficiency in resolving complex issues in different fields like air traffic control, robotics, and medical diagnosis. [...]


In this chapter we presented the robotic systems MRINSPECT series for a long-distance inspection of pipelines. The systems show outstanding mobility and several characteristic features, which make it possible to apply the proposed systems in pipelines with complicate geometries regardless [...]


International audience; This chapter describes the emerging robotics application field of intelligent vehicles – motor vehicles that have autonomous functions and capabilities. The chapter is organized as follows:- Section 62.1 provides a motivation for why the development of intelligent [...]


The modern emergence of automation in many industries has given impetus to extensive research into mobile robotics. Novel perception technologies now enable cars to drive autonomously, tractors to till a field automatically and underwater robots to construct pipelines. An essential [...]


In order to make machines perceive their external environment coherently, multiple sources of sensory information derived from several different modalities can be used (e.g. cameras, LIDAR, stereo, RGB-D, and radars). All these different sources of information can be efficiently merged [...]


In order to support the development process of Advanced Driver Assistance systems for road vehicles, TNO is operating a hardware-in-the-loop test setup. In this facility, called VeHIL, vehicles in the direct neighborhood of the test vehicle are simulated using wheeled mobile robots. [...]


International audience; The use of an Electrical narrow tilting car instead of a large gasoline car should dramatically decrease traffic congestion, pollution and parking problem. The aim of this paper is to give a unique presentation of the geometric modeling issue of a new narrow [...]


This paper presents a new method for the design and validation of advanced driver assistance systems (ADASs). With vehicle hardware-in-the-loop (VEHIL) simulations, the development process, and more specifically the validation phase, of intelligent vehicles is carried out safer, cheaper, [...]