
This paper presents an optimal design of three dimensional multi-story reinforced concrete structures using recently developed meta-heuristic algorithms, namely; the charged system search and the enhanced charged system search. The design is based on the ACI 318-05 code and loadings [...]


By the integral finite element analysis of elasto-plastic constitutive relationship, the process of crack formation and development of the T-shaped frame joint in reinforced concrete and its stress distribution under monotonic and low-cycle repeated loading were studied . The nonlinear [...]


The paper describes a finite element damage model for non linear analysis of concrete or reinforced structures. It is show how can be effectively used to predict local and global damage up to structural failure. Examples of applications of the model to the analysis of different [...]


O Modelo de Bielas e Tirantes pode ser uma excelente alternativa para o dimensionamento de elementos estruturais em concreto armado submetidos a estado plano de tensão e para regiões que apresentem descontinuidade de ordem geométrica ou estática, substituindo [...]


The present work aims to define formally the method termed as \textit{``Idealized Smeared Reinforcement'' (ISR)} for optimization in the design of reinforcing steel in concrete structures, [...]				


The present work presents  numerical methods to evaluate the global dynamic response of railway bridges.the structural response of an existing reinforced concrete railway bridge is obtained via the Modal Superposition Method, using a finite element three-dimensional numerical [...]


If the stress intensity at a certain point of a structure made of ductile materials reaches the yield point, the structure does not necessarily fail or deform excessively. Instead, stress redistribution could take place and some further load increments could be supported. Thus, the [...]


Sustainability in the construction industry is becoming everyday more a major issue in todays world. To accomplish sustainability goals, adopted also by the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations, wide research has been carried out in the past years. Among this, the use of recycled aggregates [...]


Brooks Aqueduct in Alberta, Canada is one of the largest and most sophisticated reinforced concrete aqueducts in the world. Now a national historic site, Brooks Aqueduct was built in 1914. The structure suffers from cracking and degradation in certain locations. To find out the possible [...]


The tipple building located within the Greenhill Mine complex (a Provincial historic site) in southern Alberta, Canada is a reinforced concrete frame with a steel superstructure. The structure has been analyzed to assess its current state and the extent and causes of deterioration. [...]