The paper presents slewing port cranes with a luffing jib. The advantages of slewing port jib cranes are high lifting capacities, high speeds of re-loading and excellent mobility since they are capable of load lifting, travelling, luffing and slewing. The paper gives a detailed description [...]Abstract
"jats:p" Seaport efficiency and productivity are the critical factors for handling of goods in the international supply chains and plays an important role in trade exchange with other countries. It is important to evaluate efficiency and productivity of seaports to reflect their status [...]Abstract
This paper presents a new approach for hinterland modelling based on the results of port choice modelling. The paper follows the idea that the shippers' port choice is a trade-off between various objective and subjective factors. The presented model tackles the problem by applying [...]Abstract
The scientific monograph titled Logistics and Management – selected topics is the result of a bilateral project, lasting from 2013 to 2015 and titled “Preparation of a joint scientific monograph in the field of logistics and management issued at the Faculty of Logistics in Celje [...]