
The industrial revolution that took place in the United Kingdom (UK) between 1760 and 1830 led to profound social change. Occupational medicine was concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of occupational diseases, that is, diseases directly caused by exposure to [...]


"jats:p"The recent orientation toward societal challenges in Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) policies has exposed the limitations of contemporary governance to deal with these endeavors. For this reason, it has been urged a shift toward the so-called ‘transformative change’ [...]


The concept of open science is analyzed using the model of scientific revolutions coined by Thomas Kuhn. In this way, open science is a paradigm shift in research and, therefore, involves substantial procedural modifications. It is a model promoted by the European Commission who gathered [...]


There is growing concern that MSP is not facilitating a paradigm shift towards democratic marine management and that it may simply repackage old power dynamics in the rhetoric of participation. MSP has been advanced using the logic of 'rationality' and 'post-political' forms of planning [...]


Imagine that, in 2050, not a single person in the United States dies in a traffic crash. This is the scenario described in this article, in which RAND researchers set forth a vision and strategy for achieving zero roadway deaths by 2050. The authors propose that a combination of three [...]


This chapter addresses the challenges that changing technologies pose to urban planning. Urban planning continues to be influenced by an emerging creativity and knowledge-sharing culture that has an inherent connection to digital transformation. Technology certainly plays an important [...]