
School is one of the basic pillars of the linguistic normalization process, and teachers play a fundamental role in encouraging this task. Therefore, teacher training, and more particularly its first stages, is a basic area of analysis. It is of great interest to study Teacher Training [...]


Carme Miquel reflect upons the role of schools and observes the contradiction between most of the values and attitudes prevailing in present society and those that schools try to transmit. In this context, the author analyzes also the linguistic issue: it is at school where advances [...]


Abstract: The author analyses the problems of standardizing and normalizing the use of Galcian and compares Galicia's situation with that of País Valencià.


Aquest estudi proporciona una visió panoràmica de les obres i els articles publicats als països de parla alemanya sobre qüestions de sociolingüística catalana. Recull, principalment, treballs dels últims vint anys i n’ofereix una classificació seguint els corrents d’investigació [...]