
The presentation is aimed to cover areas related to modeling of material behaviour using different numerical schemes. Special emphasis is laid on homogenization procedures and multi- scale approaches that include inelastic microstructural deformations and development of inter- [...]


In previous works, the nonlinear localization was first presented and studied in the case of large displacements but only for globally stable structural responses. In this paper, the parallelization of this computational strategy using a Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constrains [...]


A multiscale model based on finite element (FE) and the Parametric High-Fidelity-GeneralizedMethod-of-Cells (PHFGMC) micromechanical model was formulated and implemented to solve the compression problem in unidirectional IM7/977-3 carbon epoxy composite. The nonlinear PHFGMC governing [...]


Nowadays, many open-source numerical codes are available to solve physical problems in structural mechanics, fluid flow, heat transfer, and neutron diffusion. However, even if these codes are often highly specialized in the numerical simulation of a particular type of physics, [...]


Many multiscale simulation problems require a many-to-one coupling between different scales. For such coupled problems, researchers oftentimes focus on the coupling methodology, but largely ignore software engineering and high-performance computing aspects. This can lead to inefficient [...]


In this article, we analyze some residual-based stabilization techniques for the transient Stokes problem when considering anisotropic time–space discretizations. [...]


The log-conformation reformulation, originally proposed by Fattal and Kupferman (2004), allows computing incompressible viscoelastic problems with high Weissenberg numbers which are impossible [...]


This paper presents two procedures, based on the numerical multiscale theory, developed to predict the mechanical non-linear response of composite materials under monotonically [...]


En los últimos años el estudio del comportamiento de los materiales a nivel microscópico ha aumentado significativamente en términos de diseño de [...]


In this study, resin permeability of plain-woven composites is analyzed using a three-scale homogenization method. To this end, the three-scale homogenization method is developed to analyze the resin flow through both the structures of fiber bundles and the inside of fiber bundles, [...]