Please note that new submissions after 12 July 2024 shall be submitted through the new submission system by clicking “Submit a Paper” on journal's homepage. Submissions before [...]
This work details the development of a computational platform in joint collaboration between the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (enea) and the University of Bologna (unibo). The platform is based on the open-source SALOME [...]
In this work the thermal-hydraulics and neutronics behavior of a Lead Fast Reactor (LFR) core is investigated evaluating the power generation distribution taking into account the local temperature field. The temperature field is evaluated using the CFD finite element code FEMuS [...]
This paper showcases the multiphysics discrete adjoint solver of the open Source solver SU2 at the example of a pin-array heat exchanger, simulated via a simplified 2D unit cell to evaluate the pin-shapes performance. The shape derivatives of the utilized conjugate heat transfer case [...]Abstract
Lubrication is vital to improve performance, efficiency and durability in transmissions; it serves to minimize wear, noise, vibration and friction. The proper functioning of lubricated transmissions relies on interactions amongst a wide range of physical phenomena (contact dynamics, [...]