
In this paper, we present improvements to postcombustion capture (PCC) processes based on aqueous monoethanolamine (MEA). First, a rigorous, rate-based model of the carbon dioxide (CO2) capture process from flue gas by aqueous MEA was developed using Aspen Plus, and validated against [...]


The main aim of structural safety control is the multiple assessments of the expected dam behaviour based on models and the measurements and parameters that characterise the dam’s response and condition. In recent years, there is an increase in the use of data-based models [...]


During 2018, the Public Transport Administration (Trafikförvaltningen) in the Stockholm region spent approximately 2.2 billion SEK on new infrastructure investments related to the public transport system, many of which were based on their public transport models. The previously used [...]


The energy-based fatigue model presented in this work overcomes different shortcomings of existing model approaches, such as the need of separated assumptions for constant life diagrams. By using the range of the normalised strain energy density and a probabilistic based mode interaction [...]