
Entrepreneurship is a relevant field of study for knowledge society and economy. All most recent researches consider public administrations as relevant actors for the promotion and development of entrepreneurship. In this work, the first analysis is related to the user’s [...]


Professional competence is the capacity for performing a profession adequately. A model for explaining it can be of interest for analysing the performance of professionals and organisations. In this case, it is specified on the role of the trainer in the context of entrepreneurship [...]


La competencia profesional es la capacidad de desarrollar una profesión adecuadamente. Un modelo explicativo de la misma puede tener interés para analizar la actuación de los profesionales y las organizaciones. En este caso, se concreta en el rol del formador [...]


El emprendimiento es un campo de estudio relevante para la sociedad y la economía del conocimiento. Las administraciones públicas, son consideradas por la mayoría de investigaciones más recientes, como agentes relevantes para la promoción y desarrollo [...]


Inland navigation networks offer an alternative to land transport with economic and environmental benefits, and direct access to urban and industrial centers. Promoting the navigation transport requires the modernization of the network management, in particular the control of navigation [...]


This paper presents a risk index model that can be used for assessing the safety effect of countermeasures. The model estimates risk in a multiplicative way, which makes it possible to analyze the impact of different factors separately. Expert judgments are incorporated through a [...]


Obstacle avoidance is a core part of the autonomous driving of off-road vehicles, such as semi-trailers. Due to the long length of semi-trailers, the traditional obstacle avoidance controller based on the circumcircle model can ensure that there is no collision between the semi-trailer [...]