
Today it is evident the use of technologies in all activities people do, becoming an inevitable phenomena socially, at work and educational. In terms of work, one can see how companies are using technologies as tools to do many activities inside and outside of it like the use of [...]


Studies on ICT use in education usually focus on ICT’s contribution to training processes. However, scarce research has concentrated on the problematic use of ICT among young people in the school context, and most of it approaches the problem from a psychopathological perspective. [...]


Augmented reality emerges as a tool, on which it is necessary to examine its real educational value. This paper shows the results of a bibliometric analysis performed on documents collected from the Web of Science repository, an Internet service that concentrates bibliographic information [...]


The proliferation of mobile devices and their use by children of all ages raise issues among families and educators with regard to their quality and appropriateness. Given the absence of an industry standard or an official ratings system for children’s apps, specialist websites [...]


This paper explores the creation and content of apps about Donald Trump (n=412) published in Google Play between June 2015 and January 2018. The relevance of the study stems from both its objectives and its methodology. On the one hand, the aim was to characterise the profile, motivations [...]


Researchers who analyse smartphone usage logs often make the assumption that users who lock and unlock their phone for brief periods of time (e.g., less than a minute) are continuing the same "session" of interaction. However, this assumption is not empirically validated, and in fact [...]


Libraries have traditionally selected and recommended books, music, and movies. Mobile apps can also be readily included, thus extending library services by offering users more content, resources and services in different formats. Some basic ideas to tackle the discovery, selection [...]


The spread of mobile devices –smartphones and tablets– does not go unnoticed by media companies, and particularly by press companies, which have seen in mobile content a new and profitable source of income. The aim of this article is to explain how newspapers are adopting mobile [...]


Review of the developments and trends in computing and telecommunications that have the greatest impact on the documentary and library environment. Among the topics considered are: expanding the markets of large internet companies that want to include new activities, competition between [...]


One of the main internet trends is the increasing access to information through mobile devices, especially smartphones. The so-called mobile web is affecting all areas, including very versatile uses for scientific activity. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the use that the scientific [...]