The use of road vehicles is increasing, the benefits they afford have been progressively diminished by external costs. Whereas traffic increases as we approach the centre, the road and open space decreases. The greater specialisation allows the city growth in size and in traffic attraction. In this way urban growth feeds itself. Inter-urban transport facilities also become more extensive. Growth in size of the city generates greater amounts of traffic and can eventually give rise to agglomeration diseconomies. Higher transport costs, offices and shops, attracted by the accessibility of central locations, gradually replace residential uses, people being forced to seek housing in the suburbs. As the urban area expands and offices in the city centre are built denser and higher, traffic congestion increases. This may result in the fall in central land values, since accessibility diminishes with the saturation of transport network. Increased pollution takes various forms as noise, smoke and overcrowded housing in the centre, urban decay in the transitional zone as commercial development is anticipated. Uporaba cestnih vozil narašča, korist, ki so jih vozila prinesla pa se pospešeno zmanjšuje zaradi eksternih stroškov, povzročenih s stroški. Kjer promet narašča, predvsem v mestnih središčih, se zmanjšuje prostor na cestah in na javnih površinah. Večja specializacija mestnih središč omogoča njihova rase po obsegu in prometni privlačnosti. Na ta način hrani urbana rast sama sebe. Notranje urbana transportne naprave postajajo man) uporabne. Rast mesta po velikosti generira obseg in število vozil, s tem prometne zgostitve, kar vodi k ekonomskim težavam.. Visoki transportni stroški, obseg poslovnih prostorov in trgovin, ki se veča s privlačnostjo zaradi dostopnosti centralnih območij, postopoma zamenjujejo stanovanjsko gradnjo v središčih mest, in ljudje so prisiljeni iskati bivališča v primestnih predelih. Zaradi tega se mestna središča še bolj gosto in visoko pozidujejo, narašča pa prometna zgostitev. Vse to prispeva postopoma k manjši vrednosti stavbnih zemljišč v središčnih območjih, saj je dostopnost središč vse manjša zaradi vse večje obremenitve prometnic. Veča se onesnaževanje vseh vrst hrupa, emisij vseh vrst, veča se prenaseljenost središč, s tem je urbani razkroj območij poslovnih dejavnosti zagotovljen.
The use of road vehicles is increasing, the benefits they afford have been progressively diminished by external costs. Whereas traffic increases as we approach the centre, the road and open space decreases. The greater specialisation allows the city growth in size and in traffic attraction.