
The article describes the properties psicométricas of the Triangular Scale of the Love of Sternberg (1986) (ETAS). The scale was administered to 455 university students of Metropolitan Lima, 145 males and 310 women, whose ages ranged between 16 to 51 years. The results reveal a reliability, [...]


The main objective of the paper is to show how love in society can be connected to certain sociological problems like social bonding. When love is analyzed through its connections to disciplinary problems, some differences appear in relation to society and sociology itself. The paper [...]


The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha is crossed with a quantity and variety of poems that result being eco of the events that happen in the narration. In this opportunity the romance is analyzed and commented. «Mighty Love the hearts of maidens», of chapter XLVI of the [...]


Taking up ideas forwarded by Henry W. Sullivan or Karl Vossler, we propose a study of Calderón’s comedies focused on moments of highest dramatic intensity and an analysis of the ways in which the steady growth of energy leads up to these great scenes. Many of them [...]