
This paper deals with a number of geosynonyms within grapes and wine terminology in Catalan; twenty-nine names of vines and grapes (technically called «ampelonyms») are analyzed: «boval, garnatxa, giró, pansal, palop, monastrell, picapoll or moscatell», amongst others. The author, [...]


The name of letters, derived from Latin, are not exactly the same in the various Romance languages. The study of references to the name of letters made by grammarians and lexicographers reveals the continuity of forms going back to the origins of language and still remembered, although [...]


This work is a discussed exposition, with references to Romance languages nearer to Catalan, of two hypotesis which have tried to explain peculiar evolution e " [í] and o " [ú] because of the iod in Catalan. The most accepted explanation says the iod was the cause of diphthongation [...]


L’etiqueta de gènere s’aplica a nocions gramaticals diverses: la distinció de classes convencionals de noms, la distinció de diverses categories semàntiques (particularment, els inanimats i el sexe dels animats) o la caracterització de pronoms referits a persones o a coses [...]


L’autor presenta i comenta les obres sobre gramàtica contrastiva del català i altres llengües realitzades per lingüistes alemanys des de 1502 fins a l’actualitat. S’hi consideren al voltant de quaranta títols referits de manera gairebé exclusiva als altres idiomes romànics [...]


In this article we will discuss the causal and final adverbial values connected to the conjunction «que» in Catalan and in other Romanic languages. In the first part, we analyse the evolution of the complex conjunctions system in Classical Latin and the posterior oral usages which [...]


The author looks at an ancient poem from the romance language domain, from its first documented appearances, which starts with «Eu·m levei un bon matí» or similar words and goes on to explore the thematic motif of the nightingale as a confidant and messenger on romantic errand[...]


This paper presenta a contrastive analysis of the Romance verbs derived from ESSE and STARE. The lexical and syntactic characteristics of these verbs in Latin and their locative and atributive uses clearly contrast with actual Romance uses. This contrast highlights the variable extension [...]