
Successful companies are continually striving to streamline costs and optimize processes, enabling them to grow progress, develop and ensure competitiveness on the market. A large part of the costs arises in warehouses, where up to 55% of total costs are generated by order- picking, [...]


Traffic accidents depend on many factors and circumstances. Important data are registered by taking photos of the accident place, measuring the deformations of vehicles and skidding and sliding traces. Weather conditions, drivers’ and pedestrian's actions are also taken into [...]


Barcelona (Spain) had a total population of 1,636,762 in 2019 that are distributed on 10 districts across the city. These districts have different characteristics in size and population density. As a result, this can lead to different traffic [...]


In most of the metropolitan cities in India, the road use patterns are very different from those of developed countries. In Indian cities, roads are shared by non- motorized vehicles in large numbers. The rapid urbanization in India after independence has resulted in the faster development [...]