
[EN] Increasing power consumption and CO2 emissions generated by large data networks have become a major concern over the last decade. For this problem, the emerging paradigm of Software-Defined Networks (SDN) can be seen as an attractive solution. In these networks an energy-aware [...]


Urban mobility is often considered as one of the main facilitators for greener and more sustainable urban development. However, nowadays it requires a significant shift towards cleaner and more efficient urban transport which would support for increased social and economic concentration [...]


Recently, ridesharing services have grown rapidly. In future, fleets of shared and pooled autonomous vehicles may transform urban mobility. In this paper, we introduce an approach to dynamically simulate these services within a full-stack transport simulation using an insertion-based [...]


It is expected that electric vehicles (EVs) will be important part of smart gird, not only in form of load but also as distributed energy source in Vehicle to Grid (V2G) system. As increase of EVs integration, V2G contributes to improve flexibility, reliability and stability of grid [...]


Image thresholding is the most crucial step in microscopic image analysis to distinguish bacilli objects causing of tuberculosis disease. Therefore, several bi-level thresholding algorithms are widely used to increase the bacilli segmentation accuracy. However, bi-level microscopic [...]