
This article focuses on the mechanisms and the dramatic features of the hagiographic comedies of Juan Pérez de Montalbán, from the analysis of a little-studied drama, El divino portugués, San Antonio de Padua, an excellent example of comedia de santos gender and a good example [...]


This article has as its goal to analyze the dramatic text «Elsa Schneider» (1987), by Sergi Belbel, starting from the concept of irony of contrast between text and context of communication. This ironic resource is conveyed through the different composition of the three sequences [...]


This article presents the results of a survey of 215 organizational communication professionals in Uruguay. It describes in a comparative way the roles and tasks of professionals working in different types of organization versus those who work as consultants or service providers in [...]


The accessibility and democratization of online media has allowed voices to emerge around issues with low visibility. In this study we are looking at the trans community. Whereas publics are generated in mainstream media, counterpublics emerge from the margins, generating alternative [...]


Taking the field of specialized press as a starting point, this study aims at determining and understanding the mechanisms of representation employed by the press for women, also known as women´s magazines and women´s pages. Stereotypes, understood as a representation tool, determine [...]