
One thousand liver transplantations have been performed at the only liver transplant center in Hong Kong over a period of 22 years, which covered the formative period of living donor liver transplantation. These 1000 transplantations, which marked the journey of liver transplantation [...]


Over the past few years we have been witnessing a rapid development of communication technology. The aim of this article is to find a technical solution for increasing the existent optical cable capacities. The purpose is not to replace the existing cables but to use advanced technology [...]


Today, we live in a world where mobility is a part of the everyday life. At the same time, there is a global need for cities to be smart and sustainable. People spend increasing amounts of time traveling, and thus the development of public transportation services is central for advancing [...]


The main objective of the paper is to show how love in society can be connected to certain sociological problems like social bonding. When love is analyzed through its connections to disciplinary problems, some differences appear in relation to society and sociology itself. The paper [...]


La mística es una experiencia que muy pocas personas consiguen tener, y aun para esas personas es difícil expresar lo que significó y continúa significando en su vida. Relatos de místicos antiguos y contemporáneos se encuentran dispersos por todo el mundo y no se atienen a una [...]


The experience of using an elearning platform for the Theories of Culture course of the journalism programme at the Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal, is described. The results were very positive: the students participated more; the number of students who attended class increased; [...]


Driver mental underload is an important concern in the operational safety of automated driving. In this study, workload was evaluated subjectively (NASA RTLX) and objectively (auditory detection-response task) on Dutch public highways (~150km) in a Tesla Model S comparing manual and [...]


News media organizations have been experimenting with immersive journalism formats in recent years. The search for new ways to tell stories is driven by technology and has given rise to new –and not so new– forms of expression. The initial enthusiasm has dissipated over the years, [...]