
Anna Murià’s work is on the margins of Catalan exile literature. This article, conceived within the theoretical framework of autobiographical literature, is an attempt to contribute to the clearing up of some of the keys to its interpretation. The fictional and testimonial work [...]


This article analyzes in detail the new period of exile of Ramon Vinyes in Barranquilla (1940-1950): Franco’s victory forces him to seek exile and return again to Colombia, where the longing for the lost fatherland and the distance from his family and Colombian society provoke in [...]


A selection of sixteen poems written by exiled Valencian authors. Two Anti- Franco falles erected in the cities of Texcoco (Mexico) and Perpinyà (France) were the inspiration for two of them. The others are patriotic and nostalgic texts in which the poets express their longing for [...]


Pere Calders’ long exile in Mexico gave rise, in a literary sense, to the works which critics have given the name “Mexican themes”: «Gent de l’alta vall», «L’ombra de l’atzavara» and «Aquí descansa Nevares», published together in volume 2 of his «Obres Completes», [...]


Abstract: The article offers the first study of the complete narrative of Vicenç Riera Llorca — thirteen novels and two anthologies of stories — published between 1946 and 1991. It provides an analysis of the author’s historical, social, political and literary motivations and [...]