
Part 1: Traffic Engineering and Quality-of-Service; International audience; In current network infrastructures, several management tasks often require significant human intervention and can be of high complexity, having to consider several inputs to attain efficient configurations. [...]


Segment Routing (SR) combines the simplicity of Link-State routing protocols with the flexibility of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). By decomposing forwarding paths into segments, identified by labels, SR improves Traffic Engineering (TE) and enables new solutions for the optimization [...]


In this work, the main goal is to develop and evaluate a number of optimization algorithms in the task of improving Quality of Service levels in TCP/IP based networks, by configuring the routing weights of link-state protocols such as OSPF. Since this is a complex problem, some meta-heuristics [...]


This paper proposes a novel traffic engineering framework able to automatically provide near-optimal OSPF routing configurations for QoS constrained scenarios. Within this purpose, this work defines a mathematical model able to measure the QoS compliance in a class-based networking [...]


Electric vehicle fleets and smart grids are two growing technologies. These technologies provided new possibilities to reduce pollution and increase energy efficiency. In this sense, electric vehicles are used as mobile loads in the power grid. A distributed charging prioritization [...]


International audience; This paper presents a new method for 3D cutting of geometrical space with application to airspace sectoring. This problem comes from the air traffic management but the proposed method may be applied to many other areas. This problem consists in finding a cutting [...]


In the SESAR traffic growth predictions, traffic complexity will become an issue that the current Air Traffic Management organization is not able to handle. The 4D trajectory concept offers new perspectives for deconflicting the traffic by ground-holding aircraft before they take-off. [...]