
La dixi és normalment concebuda, des del punt de vista lingüístic, com un fenomen que mostra la relació entre els trets estructurals del llenguatge i el context específic de comunicació. Hi ha mecanismes no verbals que també actuen com a recursos díctics en moltes situacions [...]


Abstract: This paper deals with non-situational demonstratives as text-deictic units and discusses the degree of activation or cognitive status of their referents under the scope of Gundel, Hedberg & Zacharski’s (1993) Givenness Hierarchy combined with Centering Theory.In order [...]


This article presents some of the results from a broader research study of management styles within the Catalan university world. Two management styles are defined (the collegial and the managerial) and a relationship is established between some of the characteristics of these styles, [...]